Sunday, March 21, 2010


Nowness is a new website I have come to like. Nowness is a chic sleek, simple site that is easy to use. Everyday one post is made about everything that is in the now. Users can either choose between "Love" or "Dont Love" for each post. There is also an exploring option where it will give you a random post article. There is arrows if you want to go though the article posts by date. This qoute from the site truely speaks about what Nowness is trying to achieve.

"Every day our lives are punctuated by moments of inspiration, from an unexpected smile on the street to an encounter with an astonishing work of art. But Nowness is more than just a moment, it is a thought you carry with you.

Nowness is an exciting new way to experience luxury lifestyle online, featuring daily content from the most respected and innovative creatives working today."

In this quote I really agree that our lives are truly punctuated by moments of inspiration. From reading this I am going to know try to notice and capture these moments as much as I can. Here is the url for the site Overall this website is a great resource for exploring different works of art,and pieces to inspire your mind.
This website is defiantly a LassLikes.

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