Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pug Illustrations by Bryan Ballinger

This is a series of Pug illustrations by Bryan Ballinger a recent illustrator who I have come to love. I am drawn towards him because of his heavy black illustration style. This is because me myself have a similar style. I love when artists use just black and white, because they are the most extreme sides of the color scale. I like how he focused on his placement of every line to make sure the piece turned out how he wanted it to. My favorite thing about these illustrations is the sometimes crazy emotions he makes the pugs faces. It brings a bit of humor and a smile to your face. Overall this series of illustrations will put a smile on your face while still being detailed and thought through.
This series is defiantly a LassLikes.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Flow of Nature Stilled

I really like this photo. I just stumble upon this photo there was nothing about the photographer, but I just love flow of the hair with the branches.There are 3 contrasts in this photo that makes it beautiful. The first contrast would be between flow of the hair and the model strong facial feature. It makes the shot feel like it has been frozen in time. The second contrast, would be the between the red bright hair and the green branches. It gives the photo tons of depth, which makes it more interesting. The final contrast would be between the models pale white skin and the baby blue sky. It makes the shot feel more open and bare. Overall this photo is inspiring to photographers, and shows the true beauty of nature and humans together.
This piece is defiantly a LassLikes.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Nowness is a new website I have come to like. Nowness is a chic sleek, simple site that is easy to use. Everyday one post is made about everything that is in the now. Users can either choose between "Love" or "Dont Love" for each post. There is also an exploring option where it will give you a random post article. There is arrows if you want to go though the article posts by date. This qoute from the site truely speaks about what Nowness is trying to achieve.

"Every day our lives are punctuated by moments of inspiration, from an unexpected smile on the street to an encounter with an astonishing work of art. But Nowness is more than just a moment, it is a thought you carry with you.

Nowness is an exciting new way to experience luxury lifestyle online, featuring daily content from the most respected and innovative creatives working today."

In this quote I really agree that our lives are truly punctuated by moments of inspiration. From reading this I am going to know try to notice and capture these moments as much as I can. Here is the url for the site Overall this website is a great resource for exploring different works of art,and pieces to inspire your mind.
This website is defiantly a LassLikes.

Fresh Handbag Design

This bag is from Wong Wong. It combines two bags stitched together and latch being attached. This makes it able to hold anything from yoga matts, newspapers, magazine, laptops, etc. There is also a smaller leather patch pocket on the inside for your smaller things. I find this bag to very interesting idea because I myself have come into many situations where I could of used this good idea. The inner area to carry things makes traveling alot easier especially for public transit citizens heading to places like the gym or school. Outside of the bag being a good idea the overall design of the bag is kept elegant and modern by the black and white. What sets this bag to sell is the simple Wong Wong logo. This is because the logo is beautiful by the symmetry of the W's and the clean sans serif font. I like how the designer choose to make the inside patch a classic leather because it gives a softness to the bag's black and white coloring.
This bag is defiantly a LassLikes.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


An interesting scale thats thought provoking. It tells you what you should eat instead of your wieght. Its thought provoking because it destroys how society is focused on weight, by consternating on what you really should be. What you eat.
This is definatly a LassLikes.

Baby Helvetica

Helvetica for Babies. For the young fresh designers.
This is defiantly a LassLikes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tom Gauld: Coke Cans for Women Heart Health Awareness

Comic artist Tom Gauld has produced some rather lovely work for a new series of cans for Diet Coke. These cans are limited edition to raise the awareness of The Heart Truth, which is a woman heart heath campaign.I find it great to see different industries coming together for the good of people. I also
found the commercial specifically made to
advertise these cans.
Here is the URL: These commercials are adorable and lovable, but still addressee the main topic of heart health.
This is deffinatly a LassLikes.

Porcelain by Laura Pregger

Laura Pregger is a Swiss designer who lives in and works in Basel. The porcelainware's simple and familiar forms, curves and colour add simplicity and minimalism is in all of Laura's designs. I find it to be completely modern, clean, and eye catching.
This is defiantly a LassLikes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Logos: 2009Trends&Tips

Typographic Logos

Tactile Logos

Street Art Logos

Origami Logos

Psychedelic Pop Logos

Pictogram Logos

Classic Modernism

80's Geometry Lesson


Recently in my graphic design studies we have come to the history of graphic design so I decided to look into recent trends in logos due to the project I am working on is a logo to make sure I can keep my ideas fresh. The logos above are the logo trends for 2009.

I found them on this new useful site for anything to due with logos. Here is the URL: On this site there is everything from sites about history of logo design, design books, blogs about logo design, style guides, and even tutorials about how to create proper files. I have found it useful so far and I hope you will to!

This is deffinatly a LassLikes.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Some unusual Atlas.There very interesting, but sadly there was no artist name.
These pieces are defiantly a LassLikes.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

How to Politely Refuse a Plastic Bag

This is defiantly a LassLikes.

Outstanding Illustrations! by Daren Newman

A new illustrator I have come across, and feel in love with. The illustrators name is Daren Newman. The illustrations that where created paint a perfect picture of the skill the artist has. Daren is from Illustration Division Art Department in New York City. I have come to adore this company by furthering my research into them. But I have come to get myself of topic so back to Daren. Well to sum it up the pieces are award winning and who doesnt love some who can create great type.
These pieces are defiantly a LassLikes.