Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day Dreamers

This is the Day Dreamers Project and it was started by Alexandra Sandu. The goal is to get 1000 dreamers making the project unfinished. For LassLikes this small view into the 1000's of pictures, just shows how amazing this piece is going to be. It gives a view into the emotions of day dreamers making you wonder what that person is thinking about. Maybe a homemade meal, Playing a video game, or the first spring shower. The possibilities are completely endless making the happiness of the person shine though. This piece is defiantly a LassLikes.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


This is photography done by your own LassLikes. The model is a close friend, and it turned out beautiful. This piece is defiantly a LassLikes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

a touching story

this is defiantly a LassLikes.

cool pillows. This is defiantly a LassLikes

Rock Homes defiantly a LassLikes.

A new artist I have come to like. Kal Gajoum. These pieces are defiantly LassLikes.

Graffiti Art

simple. These pieces are defiantly a Lasslikes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have a thing for photography with amazing hair in it, but its not just hair that I love in this series of pictures. One of my favourite part in these photos is the careful eye to wear the light is hitting the models bodies. Also I like the hard contrast between dark and light which makes the models' bodies seem to look like simple shapes. The last thing I love about this series is how the photographer chose a variety of skin types for the shots. It brings a cultural level to the photos. This piece is defiantly a LassLikes.